Vol. 13 No. 2 (2019): XIII International Symposium Contemporary Issues of Literary Studies : Political Events of 1980-1990s and Literary Discourse
Discussion within the round table

Bulgarian-Georgian Relations During the Middle Ages

Georgi N. Nikolov
Sofia University St Kliment Ochridski

Published 2019-12-20


  • Bačkovo Monastery,
  • The Holy Mountain,
  • St. Constantin-Cyril the Philosopher,
  • Kartlis Tskhovreba


During the Middle Ages, the basis of Bulgarian-Georgian rapprochement and contacts was provided by the Orthodox Christian faith. It is not accidental that the name of the Georgian people (Iberians)was mentioned for the first time in the Long Life of St Constantin-Cyril the Philosopher, which was compiled shortly after his death. The Georgians were cited as a model of a people that had a Christian book and worshipped God in their own language.

There were several centres in which Bulgarian-Georgian relations were established: Constantinople, the monasteries in Mount Olympus, the Bačkovo monastery, the Holy Mountain. Some Georgian sources also contain in-formation connected with the political history of the Balkan Peninsula and Bulgarian-Byzantine relations in particular.