Vol. 16 (2023): XVI International Symposium Contemporary Issues of Literary Criticism Socialist Realism in Literature and Art
Plenary Session

„Victory Over the Sun” – a New Reality Built with Social Realist „Iconography“

Teo Khatiashvili
Ilia State University

Published 2023-12-11


  • Nutsa Ghoghoberidze,
  • Uzhmuri,
  • Social realism,
  • Soviet modernism,
  • Memory of place


Boris Groys in „Gesamtkunstwerk Stalin“ argues, that social realism is not the opposite of the Soviet avant-garde, but its ideological successor, since both are built around the idea of a new human and a new reality. Both also follows a triumphant line of victory over nature, which can be read as overcoming poverty and obscurantism, that can be considered a type of Soviet modernism.

Nutsa Ghoghoberidze's "Uzhmuri" is the best example of "transitivity" from one stage to another, in which the expressive visual view of the avant-garde director and the propagandist narrative of the socialist realist art are layered together.