Vol. 17 (2024): Contemporary Issues of Literary Criticism Literatures of Small Countries and Challenges of the Modern Global World
Georgian Folklore and World Mythology

Transformation Forms of European and Georgian Heroic Epics

Ketevan Sikharulidze
Shota Rustaveli Institute of Georgian Literature

Published 2024-12-20


  • Heroic epic,
  • mythology,
  • European literature,
  • classical epic


The heroic epic is the original genre of the oral tradition of all peoples. Its further expansion and ideological and substantive changes were determined by the political and socio-cultural environment that formed over time, the state's development level, and the type of society.

The "classic" epic has already been demythologized. The epic hero fights for the benefit of society, so he gets the name of a national hero. A religious subtext appears, giving depth to the heroic ideal. This was facilitated by the formation of statehood and the literary processing of folk-art texts. This defines the difference between the heroic epics of large and small countries.