There are several pieces of Georgian Folklore and Literature telling about lazy characters but among them„Natsarkekia” tale is especially popular.The character type of Natsarkekia has especially been popular since 1980s when the Georgian publicist writer Guram Asatiani tried to define Georgian national character and identity in his famous essay „To the Origins ”. This paved the way for a broad discussion and argument over the topic among the literary circles. Georgian critics linked Natsarkekia to the national identity and identified it with the Georgian national character traits.
According to the Postcolonial theory a colonizer always tries shape inferior self– reflexive stereotypes in the consciousness of colonized nations. The present paper analyzes the stereotype of „lazy Georgian man” and its possible links to the Russian colonial policy. It is studied how the Georgians understood the policy of the colonial power , how they built the resistance ideology and how the stereotype of the „lazy Georgian man” is represented in Georgian literature.