ტომ. 13 No. 1 (2019): XIII საერთაშორისო სიმპოზიუმი ლიტერატურათმცოდნეობის თანამედროვე პრობლემები : XX საუკუნის 80-90-იანი წლების პოლიტიკური მოვლენები და ლიტერატურული დისკურსი
პოლიტიკა და ლიტერატურა - ამბივალენტური მთლიანობა

Русская литература в Грузии в конце XX – начале XXI столетия : (общественная роль и преподавание)

Мария Филина
Тбилисский Государственный Университет Им. Ив. Джавахишвили

გამოქვეყნებული 2019-12-20

საკვანძო სიტყვები

  • Georgian-Russian Literary Relations,
  • A New Methodology for the Study of Russian Literature


In Georgia, in the XX century, a fundamental school of Russian studies and the study of Georgian-Russian literary relations was established. Russian literature has become an integral part of Georgian culture, there was a close connection between the intellectual elite of the two countries.

After the collapse of the USSR and in the 1990s, this atmosphere was dispelled, the attitudes were overestimated, there was an undoubted orientation of Georgia to other values, including cultural ones.

The new generation was isolated from Russian culture. Political processes have different passions, sometimes cruelty. The world has ceased to be literary-centric, the vector of mental perception has changed irrevocably.

Nevertheless, interest in Russian literature remains, Russian-Georgian literary relations are developing, but in a different format. And in this situation it is very important to develop a new methodology for the study of Russian literature at all levels – from school to University.