პოსტმოდერნული ტექსტი – ეპოქის ანარეკლი: (მარიანა ნანობაშვილის მოთხრობა „ჩრდილების როკვის“ მიხედვით)
Post-modernist text can be perceived as some kind of reflection of the epoch. In this respect, one of the trends in the pieces of literature written based on the fable of the “Knight in the Panther’s Skin” – romantic relations between Tariel and Asmat. Illustration of the mentioned trend is Mariana Nanobashvili’s story “Dance of the Shadows”. Such “reading” of the fable seems more realistic to the individual of post-modernism epoch than platonic relations between young man and woman described by Rustaveli. The text reflects the consciousness of modern individual, it is related to moral-ethical problems significant for him and makes attempt to demonstrate the general trend of the epoch – abstract nature of the high ideals and their irreality, compared with the real life.