კომუნისტთა სამაგიდე წიგნი („საკავშირო კომუნისტური პარტიის (ბოლშევიკების) ისტორია: მოკლე კურსის“ გამოცემის 85 წლისთავისათვის)
გამოქვეყნებული 2023-12-11
საკვანძო სიტყვები
- ისტორია,
- სტალინი,
- ბოლშევიკური პარტია,
- კომუნისტური პროპაგანდა
It was considered that the "Short Course" made significant contributions to the "progressive development of Marxism-Leninism." However, in reality, it led to the erosion of common-sense principles within historical science and a reduction in its research-oriented aspects, giving way to prolonged dogmatism.
During Stalin's era, the "Short Course" was regarded as the "definitive textbook of Bolshevism," At the XX Congress of the CPSU, it was declared as lacking in substance. Under the leadership of L. Brezhnev, there was a partial rehabilitation of the "Short Course." However, during the period of perestroika, it was characterized as a historically incongruent and fictitious text.