Том 14 (2020): XIV International Symposium Contemporary Issues of Literary Studies : The Silk Road Countries` Folklore
History and Collective Memory

ვახტანგ კოტეტიშვილის პროფილი ვახუშტი კოტეტიშვილის წიგნის „ჩემი წუთისოფელი“ მიხედვით

მაია ცერცვაძე
საქართველოს ტექნიკური უნივერსიტეტი

Опубликован 2020-10-20

Ключевые слова

  • Vakhtang Kotetishvili,
  • Vakhushti Kotetishvili,
  • The Book ,
  • Georgian Folklore,
  • Modern Georgian Non-Fiction


Vakhtang Kotetishvili, a victim of the Bolshevik repressions of the 1930s, stands out in the history of Georgian culture as a literary and art critic, essayist, folklorist, historian, teacher, artist, a scholar with a unique manner of poetic thinking and style.

The paper is dedicated to the events from Vakhtang Kotetishvili’s life and work as described in the book “My World” by his son, Iranist, folklorist, translator and poet Vakhushti Kotetishvili.

The tragic adventures of a family unfold against the background of an unfortunate epoch. The author sculpts the monolithic personality of his father with his usual artistic mastery and outlines his unique profile.