მითოლოგიური ალეგორია ანონიმი სკალიცელი იეზუიტის პიესაში „კატერინა, ქართველთა დედოფალი...“
In Baroque literature the polar confronting systems, such as Christianity and Antique Mythology, coexisted harmonically. Assimilation of myths occured according to the aesthetics of that epoch – myth was an uncomprehensive source of a symbol and allegory. In 1701, in the town Skalitsa of Slovakia, anonymous Jesuit based on the historical sources wrote a school drama under the title: “Catherine (Ketevan), Queen of Georgians, Decorated with Her Own Blood, Presented on the Stage”. In this school drama are two plans: one depicts real persons and events, while the other is its reconsideration in the aspect of Antique mythology. This second context is presented in the drama as a prologue, two choruses and an epilogue. The author, to offer symbolic sense selected a myth about Galatea, Acid and Polyphemus. The play construed on the plot taken from the history of Georgia is an interesting example of the Baroque epoch aesthetics.