Том 14 (2020): XIV International Symposium Contemporary Issues of Literary Studies : The Silk Road Countries` Folklore
Foklore Genres

„მასალათა კრებულის...“ ქართული ანდაზების კოლექციათა მნიშვნელობისათვის

ლევან ბრეგაძე
შოთა რუსთაველის სახელობის ქართული ლიტერატურის ინსტიტუტი

Опубликован 2020-10-20

Ключевые слова

  • Georgian Proverbs,
  • Original,
  • Translation


We call “The collected materials...” as abbreviation to the Russian edition “The collected materials for describing the places and folks of Caucasia”, which was published in the years 1881-1913 in Tbilisi. 

In it were published seven collections of proverbs collected in different regions of Georgia – in total up to 500 in the original language. It helps us in the comprehending of the meaning of the proverbs in the right manner, that the originals are accompanied by the Russian translations.