Folklore and Literary Text
წმინდა გიორგის ფოლკლორული სახე: (ტბელ აბუსერიძის თხზულების – „სასწაულნი და ანდერძი წმიდისა მთავარმოწამისა გიორგისნი“ – მიხედვით)
Abuserisdze Tbel’s work “Miracles and Will of Great Saint George” is written in the early renaissance age in 13th century, CE. Like other authors of the renaissance age the author reveals freedom of creativity while telling about the miracles of St George accordingly. He was basing on local, oral legendaries and used the woks translated in Georgian language. St George’s image is unforgettable that is made by influence of oral legendaries. Saint addresses to the builder in a baby’s voice, that must be considered as expression of influence of the renaissance motives. Once he appeared in an image of the snake that we can deem as an allegoric reveal of old mythic thinking.