Том 14 (2020): XIV International Symposium Contemporary Issues of Literary Studies : The Silk Road Countries` Folklore
Folklore and Literary Text

Миф и символ в современной казахской литературе

А.К. Калиева
Институт литературы и искусства им.М.О. Ауэзова

Опубликован 2020-10-20

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Formation of the national identity of the Kazakh people is mainly based on works imprinted in oral folklore. The subject of history is widely spread in the modern kazakh literature. History is a continuously interesting subject

New literary trends are reflected in Kazakh national prose in the books of the writer, publicist, screenwriter Didar Amantay. The ecology of consciousness, the modern life of the city, the philosophical issues of life are the current topics of his prose and essay writing. As a representative of postmodernism and poststructuralism, D. Amantay combines elements of different styles and trends of the past in his work, often with an ironic effect, develops a philosophical direction and a critical analysis of culture and society. A characteristic feature of his style of narration is that the writer freely moves from the comparison of images and motives in the national literatures of the world to the analysis of the Kazakh one, addressing his works of art to an exquisite, intellectual reader. The narrator reinforces mythologism, psychological overtones, and tragedy against the background of an ordinary household plot. The loneliness of the individual in nomadic culture is determined by nature, living conditions, infinity and boundless vastness of the steppe, in which the problem of «man and space» is relevant in the twenty-first century. The problem of «man and nature» is solved by the author in terms of the increased responsibility of the inhabitants of the planet Earth for the world.