Folklore and Literary Text
სვანური ფოლკლორული მოტივები თანამედროვე ქართულ პოეზიაში: (დავით წერედიანი, ესმა ონიანი)
Folklore depicts our historical-ethnographical, social-political, moral-psychological, ethical or aesthetical living and enables us to cognize the spirit of the epoch as well. Svanetian poetry is an important part of Georgian folklore. Obviously, due to its canonic, form,structure, acoustics, warm colours and solid tones, a Svanetian poem as well as Svanetian iconography does not correspond to Georgian folklore principles. By applying the comparative method, we tried to reveal how a folk poem has become the source of motivation and inspiration for contemporary poets to help them create beautiful literary works. we selected the works by Davit Tserediani and Esma Oniani.