Folklore and Gender
ქალის პოზიციონირების გენდერული და კოგნიტურ-კულტუროლოგიური ასპექტი ფოლკლორსა და თანამედროვე საზოგადოებაში
The research paper will present the analysis of the following issues: Fundamental principles of gender stereotypes, which are divided between men’s and women’ssocio cultural rolesin the folklore reality; Signs of women’s derogationaccording to gender characteristics. The analysis of proverbs gives us an opportunity to see the beliefs and notionabout womenof the Georgian people. The research paper is a part of a the systematic survey of the Georgian proverbs on gender, and aims to contribute to the clarity of gender in the linguistic image, and tounderstand betterthegender discrimination issue in the societysaturated with modernadvertising and media-stereotypes.