Folklore and its Adjoining Scientific Disciplines
ლი ინფექცია: წითელა ქართული ხალხური ტრადიციების ჭრილში: (ეთნოგრაფიულ და ფოლკლორულ მასალებზე დაყრდნობით)
Опубликован 2020-10-20
Ключевые слова
- Healing Magic,
- Folk Medicine,
- Measles,
- Georgian Folk Traditions and Rituals
Mankind has been trying to protect itself from deadly diseases since ancient times. Two directions of treatment have been formed: rationalempirical and irrational-magical. They were closely intertwined, and each action of the healer acquired magical significance.
The article discussesthe traditionalrituals ofGeorgianhealing magic for treating measles. The analysis is based on folklore and ethnographic material. Comparing the traditions of Georgian folk medicine with the general cultural context of the Great Silk Road allows us to discuss similarities/differences.