იბერია საერთაშორისო ვაჭრობის ერთ-ერთი ცენტრი: (სამთავროს №905 სამარხში აღმოჩენილი კამეები)
The paper addresses glyptic items decorated with cameos, discovered in a rich tomb on the territory of Greater Mtskheta in 1985, burial ground №905: 1. Red garnet cameo with the image of a man in a gold ring; 2. Purple amethyst cameo with the image of a cupid in a gold ring; 3. Red garnet cameo with the image of a woman in a gold ring; 4. Garnet cameo with the image of a woman, in a gold earring; 5. Garnet cameo with the cupid image in a gold earring. The existente oft he abovementioned cameos in Mtskheta is a result of trade – economic and political relationship with the Roman Empire. Cameos dated by the end of I c. B.C. and II c, A,D. According to the spectral analyses all cameo gold ring shanks and both earrings are the Samples of Georgian goldsmithing and are made of high grade gold.