Том 14 (2020): XIV International Symposium Contemporary Issues of Literary Studies : The Silk Road Countries` Folklore
Folklore in Media and Creative Industry

ფოლკოლორის სცენური ტრანსფორმაცია მოდერნიზმის ეპოქის ქართულ თეატრში: (სანდრო ახმეტელის სპექტაკლის „ლამარას“ მაგალითზე)

ლაშა ჩხარტიშვილი
შოთა რუსთაველის თეატრისა და კინოს სახელმწიფო უნივერსიტეტი

Опубликован 2020-10-20

Ключевые слова

  • Folk,
  • Theatre,
  • Modernism,
  • ,
  • Akhmeteli


Reformer of Georgian theater Alexander Akhmeteli was dreaming about creating “Georgian National Theater”. He set this goal even before joining theater as a director. He was writing: “Nothing can save us from degradation, except national art and also national theater, we have had own theater and I hope we will have it in future”. In terms of “our theater” director meant folk improvised mask theater – Berikaoba, which had Georgian temperament and rhythm. Establishment of this kind of theater would be impossible without national dramaturgy. “Lamara” by Gr. Robakidze turned out to be that kind of literature material, based on which Akhmeteli could stage one of his masterpieces. Play based on mythical story was turned into the heroical-romantic show by the director, which eventually become a monument of Georgian intangible culture