Том 14 (2020): XIV International Symposium Contemporary Issues of Literary Studies : The Silk Road Countries` Folklore
Giorgi Leonidze

გოგლასეული სიტყვათთქმანი: (გიორგი ლეონიძის „ნატვრის ხე“)

ქეთევან ელაშვილი
შოთა რუსთაველის სახელობის ქართული ლიტერატურის ინსტიტუტი

Опубликован 2020-10-20

Ключевые слова

  • Gogla,
  • Wishing Tree,
  • Poetic Aesthetics


The word that comes out of the origin, without any pressure, finds its own flow in the artistic thinking. The poetic aesthetics of “The Wishing Tree” can be found in this unusual wording, which Gogla himself, as a child, was able to smell from the morning of spring...

That is why the villagers of Gogla are led to a sense of non-existence today – the life read by sharing the feeling of the word.

On the one hand, it is clear that these words only delight well in the literary field, and on the other hand, they become vague and unspoken