Том 13 № 1 (2019): XIII International Symposium Contemporary Issues of Literary Studies : Political Events of 1980-1990s and Literary Discourse
Literary Text as Prophecies

იგავური ლიტერატურის გავლენა პოსტსაბჭოთა საქართველოს პოლიტიკურ პროცესებზე

გია არგანაშვილი
შოთა რუსთაველის სახელობის ქართული ლიტერატურის ინსტიტუტი

Опубликован 2019-12-20

Ключевые слова

  • Allegory,
  • Politics


In the harsh conditions of the totalitarian regime of the Soviet Union Georgian writers made use of allegorical form of expression.

However, when the Soviet Union was disintegrated and the country, like other republics decaled its independence, the literature tried to transform the acute political processes into certain schemes (biblical and mythological). Thus, it assumed prophetic function and also determined readers’ political expectations.

To present the full picture there is a need for a general analysis of Georgian prose of the last decades of the last century.