თავისუფლების კონცეპტი ოთარ ჭილაძის რომანებში: („მარტის მამალი“, „ავალუმი“)
Freedom is one of the main signified and complex semantic structure in Otar Chiladze’s novels. The second member freedom-slavory opposition is viewed not as indispensable determination but as challenge that could be overcome by human effort.
In Otar Chiladze’s novels we meet wide range of freedom-attachment semantics. For example attachment to the will of destiny, to homeland, to love and hate, illness and sin, poverty and freedom etc. With a chain (Amiran); bed (Nico’s father) sin (Gogia’s uncle); love (Avelum); grave(Gijkola); dream (children with wings) etc. Being attached, chained, being incapable to escape something or from something is the global form of existence represented in the symbol of Amiran.
The text of Otar Chiladze’s novels generates significances of freedom on the level of content and representation in narrative as well as in poetic figures. The concept of freedom in correlation with concepts of life, savior, love, past and memory creates associational field of long-lasting emotional impact where mental image of freedom in connection with new signs acquires important shades.