Том 13 № 2 (2019): XIII International Symposium Contemporary Issues of Literary Studies : Political Events of 1980-1990s and Literary Discourse
Inter-textualism and Postmodernism

წმ. მარიამ მაგდალინელის სახის გააზრებისათვის XX-XXI საუკუნეების ქართულ ლიტერატურაში

ნანა გონჯილაშვილი
შოთა რუსთაველის სახელობის ქართული ლიტერატურის ინსტიტუტი

Опубликован 2019-12-20

Ключевые слова

  • Magdalene Image,
  • Georgian Literature


In order to understand the image of Saint Mary Magdalene the work provides discussion of the works of famous and less famous Georgian writers, in particular, personal letter of Gr. Robakidze, poems by Titsian Tabidze, Ana Kalandadze, Lekso Zardiashvili, Maka Gelashvili, Data Gulua. Their analysis revealed different, mutually excluding views: some of them perceived the image of St. Mary Magdalene traditionally, the others, according the Catholic tradition regarded her as sinful, regretting woman. The most part of Georgian society regards St. Mary Magdalene as a sinful woman. But Georgian Orthodox Church and Georgian Christian culture always interpreted her image as a Christian saint, according to the New Testament.