Том 13 № 2 (2019): XIII International Symposium Contemporary Issues of Literary Studies : Political Events of 1980-1990s and Literary Discourse
Literary Text as Prophecies

«Игра» как модель мышления и ее художественное воплощение в литературе русского постмодернизма : (Абрам Терц «Прогулки с Пушкиным»)

Татьяна Мегрелишвили
Грузинский Технический Университет

Опубликован 2019-12-20

Ключевые слова

  • Postmodernism,
  • Abram Tertz


As a phenomenon of pure art (in its new understanding) Abram Tertz views Pushkin’s work. The report will examine the categories of “emptiness”, accidents in Pushkin’s artistic world, its connection with such key concepts as freedom and fatalism, which makes it possible to assert about its form-building function – creating order from chaos. At the same time, the report will address issues of cultural inter text deconstructed by Abram Tertz, which gives an idea of the pluralistic type of thinking and is generated by such a type of virtual probabilistic world in which there is not so much an author as his mask that can be considered as one of the types of implementation of a postmodernist ideas of the “death of the author.”