Том 13 № 2 (2019): XIII International Symposium Contemporary Issues of Literary Studies : Political Events of 1980-1990s and Literary Discourse
Actualization of Acute Literary Topics in Semiotic Space – Movie/Theater /...

Literary Discourses and Cultural Movements of Slowness in the 1980s and 1990s, Actualized in the Travel Form of Slow Tourism and Affirming the Political Component of Sustainability via the Triple Bottom Line’s Social and Environmental Dimensions

Konrad Gunesch
American University in the Emirates

Опубликован 2019-12-20

Ключевые слова

  • 1980s Slow Movements, 1980s and 1990s Literary Slowness,
  • Slow Travel and Tourism,
  • Sustainability since the 1980s and 1990s,
  • 1990s Triple Bottom Line,
  • Worldwide Travel and Tourism


This article analyzes and compares writings on literary, cultural, social and entrepreneurial movements that started in the 1980s and 1990s and keep growing in worldwide salience and significance, namely slowness, sustainability, global tourism, and the triple bottom line. Based on a transdisciplinary methodology in comparative literary tradition, the research contributes conceptually and empirically to these areas, adding to our perceptions and practices of slow tourism, sustainable lifestyles, as well as professional aspirations and mobilities in our ever more globalizing and transnational times. Hence it is of theoretical and practical use for teachers and students of literature and cultural studies, traveling tourists and lifestyle explorers, sustainability adherents and environmental activists, ecosystem protectors and economic leaders, but also for politicians, business leaders, philosophers or educators entrusted with social reflection and public guidance, as well as for devotees engaging in associated activities such as spiritual travelers, environmental journa-lists, or nature and artwork conservationists.