Politics and Poetics of Socialist Realism
ლირიკული იმპულსი სოცრეალისტური რიტორიკის ჩარჩოში (გალაკტიონ ტაბიძის ერთი ლექსის მიხედვით)
Опубликован 2023-12-11
Ключевые слова
- გალაკტიონ ტაბიძე,
- სოციალისტური რეალიზმი,
- „აბესინელი ჯარისკაცი“
The present paper discusses Galaktion Tabidze’s poem ,,The Abyssinian Soldier”. The poem for the first time is published in the 3rd volume of Eight Volume, Selected set of Works by Galaktion Tabidze published in 1940. The cited volume is thematically varied. ,,The Abyssinian Soldier” is a part of ,,Europian Cycle”. It is hard to tell exactly, but I think, that one of the handwritings show that the secret impulse of creating this poem was the tragedy of Titsian Tabidze. In the article our opinion is argued as far as possible . According to this hypothesis we can explain the strange plot of the poem.