Politics and Poetics of Socialist Realism
Опубликован 2023-12-11
Ключевые слова
- სოციალისტური რეალიზმი,
- აკაკი ბელიაშვილი,
- აკაკი ბელიაშვილის სატირული ნოველები,
- საბჭოთა ცენზურა,
- ლიტერატურის ისტორია
Georgian writer Akaki Beliashvili (1903-1961), like his colleagues of the Soviet era, managed to create several texts that went beyond the time-space conditions of the most difficult era and acquired more important meaning. They are distinguished from the Soviet conjunctural works by the fact that they do not belong only to the history of literature or are only the matter of its research, but they are actual even nowadays.
Our report, presented at the symposium, is dedicated to several such satirical short stories by Akaki Beliashvili– the writer who died tragically and whose 120th birthday we are celebrating this year.