Опубликован 2023-12-11
Ключевые слова
- ლადო ასათიანი,
- ანა კალანდაძე,
- 40-იანი წლები,
- ტოტალიტარიზმი,
- სოცრელიზმი
- იდეოლოგიური წნეხი ...Больше
An attempt, begun in the late 1920s to elaborate the so-called new creative method in Soviet literature, took shape in 1932-1934 as "socialist realism". The new ideologists tried to destroy the eternal values on the basis of the "principles of the party spirit in literature." The mandatory themes were Soviet patriotism, labor heroism, new heroes and their opposition to the heroes of the past...
Suffice it to mention the history of poetry collections by Lado Asatiani and Ana Kalandadze to illustrate what would happen to a book, the author, who did not promote political ideas.
Lado’s published book (as lacking ideas) was cut out; for the same reason, the publication of Anna Kalandadze’s first book was delayed for a long time.