Опубликован 2023-12-11
Ключевые слова
- ოსიპ მანდელშტამი,
- საქართველო,
- შინ დაბრუნება,
- საბჭოთა ძალაუფლების პოლიტიკის ინერცია
Osip Mandelstam’s essay “Homecoming” has never been the object of the Georgian Literary criticism. It is all the more appropriate to say that the both essays – “Homecoming” as well as “Mensheviks in Georgia” – additionally reveal several proverbial layers of poet’s artistic and personal portrait. In terms of political preferences or belonging, the poet supports the Soviet government and criticizes everything that contradicts it. His behavior is determined by the political conjuncture, the service of which the poet does not disdain, but uses it rather profitably. Seemingly, we deal with the stage of Mandelstam’s biography when he is not an archetype of the Poet but just a human being.