Опубликован 2023-12-11
Ключевые слова
- პლატონ ქიქოძე,
- პროლეტარული კრიტიკა,
- გმირული რეალიზმი,
- ლიტერატურლი თანამგზავრობა
Platon Kikodze is one of the pioneers of Georgian Soviet Marxist-proletarian literary criti-cism. The representation of the Georgian literary life of the 20s is unthinkable without his critical writings. In his opuses, the entire Georgian literature is judged and evaluated from the prism of a prole-tarian critic; the understanding of artistic realism is presented through proletarian discourse; Proleta-rian interpretation of the concept of the hero, which later became one of the mythologies of socialist rea-lism. The critic pays a lot of attention to the problem of literary companionship, which was widely discussed in the 30s of the last century.
Born in 1905, the critic fell victim to the Stalinist repressions of the 1930s.