Том 16 (2023): XVI International Symposium Contemporary Issues of Literary Criticism Socialist Realism in Literature and Art
Science and Art in the Era of Socialist Realism

მეცნიერული კომფორმიზმი და იდეოლოგიური კონიუნქტურა სტალინური ეპოქის ქართულ საისტორიო კვლევებში

დოდო ჭუმბურიძე
საქართველოს უნივერსიტეტი

Опубликован 2023-12-11

Ключевые слова

  • საისტორიო მეცნიერება,
  • იდეოლოგია,
  • კომფორმიზმი,
  • პარტიული კონიუნქტურა,
  • სტალინური ეპოქა


Immediately after the occupation of Georgia by Soviet Russia, Georgian historical science began to be ideologized.

The subjection of History to the party requirements in Russia was entrusted to the Socialist Academy of Social Sciences created in 1918 under the leadership of Lenin, and in 1921 the "Red Professor's Institute" was created for the same purpose.

The establishment of historical-party science also began in Georgia, which was promoted by special party schools, and the Institute of Marxism-Leninism was established by the resolution of the Central Committee of the Communist Party on November 12, 1930.

The institute was opened on March 10, 1931. In his speech, Filipe Makharadze named the struggle against the anti-Marxist worldview as the goal of the institute.

Georgian Soviet historiography began to act in three directions: 1. Marxism as the main ideological base of scientific studies; 2. The theory of class struggle and 3. Stalin's theory about the origin of nations and states.

The Georgian historian should submit to the ideological conjuncture, that is, choose scientific conformism, or resist. In this case, he could not avoided repressions.

The patterns of scientific conformism in Soviet historiography are so great that it damaged the deve-lopment process of historiography, falsified and exaggerated reality, many historical facts were distorted.