საბჭოთა აფხაზეთის 20-30-იანი წლების სურათი მე-20 საუკუნის 30-50-იანი წლების აფხაზეთის საბჭოთა მწერლობაში
Опубликован 2023-12-11
Ключевые слова
- აფხაზეთი,
- 20-30-იანი წლები,
- ანტისაბჭოთა გამოსვლები,
- აფხაზეთის საბჭოთა მწერლობა
In February and March 1921, the Red Army of Soviet Russia conquered Georgia. Soviet power was established in Georgia. On March, units of the Red Army entered Sokhumi and proclaimed Soviet power.
In 1921-1924, anti-Soviet demonstrations took place in Abkhazia. Since the autumn of 1929, the collective-farm movement spread across Georgia. These changes were accompanied by difficulties, followed by protest actions against collectivization.
At the same time, in the 20s and 30s, the construction of the Black Sea coastal highways and railways, resort and city development were in full swing in Abkhazia; collective farms were built in the villages; industrial exploitation of Tkvarcheli coal mines began, etc.
The topic of protests taking place in Abkhazia was taboo during the Soviet years. It was taboo for Soviet literature as well.