Science and Art in the Era of Socialist Realism
Опубликован 2023-12-11
Ключевые слова
- სოცრეალიზმი,
- ლიბერალიზაცია,
- თანამედროვე ქართული ხელოვნება,
- ბიტნიკების თაობა
The turn of the 50s and 60s of XX century in Georgia was an era of significant changes in the spiritual life of the country, a new outlook and a new artistic approach appeared, which in its essence opposed the principles of Socialist Realism prevailing at that time.
The purpose of my report is to highlight the important changes taking place in the culture of Georgia at the turn of the that time, based on the comparative research of foundations of these changes – historical premises, here and abroad, and public consciousness, with the Fine Art of that period.