Том 16 (2023): XVI International Symposium Contemporary Issues of Literary Criticism Socialist Realism in Literature and Art
Theater of the Era of Socialist Realism

შალვა დადიანის პიესა „ნაპერწკლიდან“ შოთა რუსთაველის სახელობის თეატრის სცენაზე

მაია კიკნაძე
საქართველოს შოთა რუსთაველის თეატრისა და კინოს სახელმწიფო უნივერსიტეტი

Опубликован 2023-12-11

Ключевые слова

  • სოცრეალიზმი,
  • საბჭოთა თეატრი,
  • ბოლშევიზმი,
  • სტალინი


In 1934 new direction – Social realism had been established at the Soviet Writers’ Union meeting, representing working plan for the actors in the arts and literature fields. The leading part in the Soviet dramaturgy was held by the work of the party organizations.

Shalva Dadiani’s play From Spark was written based on the social realism principles, which had been staged at the Rustaveli Theater in 1937.

The historical story was reflected in the play. Several episodes of the Bolshevism history. Namely, establishment of Social-democratic organization in Batumi in 1901, by Stalin’s initiative.