Том 17 (2024): Contemporary Issues of Literary Criticism Literatures of Small Countries and Challenges of the Modern Global World
World Literature and National Literatures

ქართული მწერლობა და თანამედროვე გლობალური სამყაროს გამოწვევები

ქეთევან სირაძე
სკოლა 21-ე საუკუნე

Опубликован 2024-12-20

Ключевые слова

  • ქართული მწერლობა,
  • გლობალიზაცია,
  • უნიფიკაცია


Georgian writing plays a vital role in preserving the nation's identity amidst globalization. Throughout history, it has protected Georgia’s cultural heritage during invasions by powerful empires. Key aspects include religious consciousness, which unites people and strengthens national unity. The concept of a hereditary line, or psychological inheritance, is central to shaping identity and maintaining cultural continuity. Family is another essential theme, reflecting societal structures and personal values. Additionally, the hero concept in Georgian literature emphasizes not just grand historical figures but also everyday individuals whose honesty and integrity have a profound social impact. This literary tradition upholds national identit