Rezo Cheishvili’s „A Tailed Star (Political Decameron)“: Genre, Ideological-thematic and Artistic Aspects
A Tailed star (Political Decameron)“ is a novel by the outstanding master of modern Georgian prose Rezo Cheishvili, written in 1991-1999. This remarkable book by clearly echoes the classic „Decameron“ both compositionally and semantically: On the one hand, it is undoubtedly a novel, which has a unifying compositional framework, and on the other hand, it is also a collection of highly diverse and more or less independent stories, novellas or narratives. Special mention should be made of the emphasized scabrous character of the many such autonomous fragments included in the work, as well as of the whole novel in general. At the same time, as it can be seen from the novel’s subheading, the political determinant plays a distinctly important role in the work.