Том 17 (2024): Contemporary Issues of Literary Criticism Literatures of Small Countries and Challenges of the Modern Global World
Translation as a Form of Intercultural Communication

იოზეფ ვაინჰებერის ლექსების ქართული თარგმანები

ნუგეშა გაგნიძე
აკაკი წერეთლის სახელმწიფო უნივერსიტეტი
ნუგეშა გაგნიძე
აკაკი წერეთლის სახელმწიფო უნივერსიტეტი

Опубликован 2024-12-20

Ключевые слова

  • ლირიკული ტექსტი,
  • ქვეტექსტი,
  • თარგმანის სახეები


Josef Weinheber, a key figure in 20th-century Austrian literature, remains culturally relevant despite his controversial stance during his time. His poetry continues to inspire scholars and audiences worldwide, with Georgian readers first encountering his work in 2009 through Anthology of 20th-Century Austrian Lyric Poetry. This paper aims to analyze the Georgian translations of Weinheber's lyric poetry within the framework of Goethe's classification. Are they faithful to the original, or do they, in some cases, overlyadapt the text to the translator's vision? The study places particular emphasis on Giorgi Kekelidze’s translations, examining them through the lenses of translation studies, stylistics, and philosophy.