Том 17 (2024): Contemporary Issues of Literary Criticism Literatures of Small Countries and Challenges of the Modern Global World
Translation as a Form of Intercultural Communication

მხატვრული თარგმანიდან ევროპულ ქართველოლოგიამდე

დარეჯან მენაბდე
შოთა რუსთაველის ქართული ლიტერატურის ინსტიტუტი

Опубликован 2024-12-20

Ключевые слова

  • მხატვრული თარგმანი,
  • ევროპული ქართველოლოგია


Translation, publication and distribution of a literary text into foreign languages is a certain possibility of “penetration” of this text into the world literary process. For the so-called “small” countries facing global challenges introduction of their literary works to the twenty-first-century readers assumes special importance. This article will focus on the outstanding translations of two texts of different periods and literary directions (Amirandarejaniani, A Book of Wisdom and Lies) in European languages and special studies of European literary critics published about these translations.