The Machine Rebellion in Russian and European Literature of the Turn of the Twentieth Century Alexandre Stroev 24-34 PDF (Русский)
Notable Concepts of Hybrid Literature: Georgian Example (Nino Kharatishvili’s Nover "The Eighth Life (for Brilka)" Ledi Antidze 35-40 PDF (ქართული)
Existential Motives and the Musicality of the Form in Vytautas Mačernis’ Cycle of Poems “The Sonnets of the Seasons” [Metų sonetai Rūta Brūzgienė 47-55 PDF
The Knight in the Panther’s Skin of Rustaveli and Medieval Chivalry Romance Maka Elbakidze 68-75 PDF (ქართული)
Towards the Understanding of the Poem “Morning” by Leonid Aronzon, Called “Captive of the Hill" Nana Gojilashvili 76-83 PDF (ქართული)
For the Interrelationship of Ethics and Aesthetics (Rustaveli, Nizami) Lia Karichashvil 84-92 PDF (ქართული)
Smaller Nation at a Service of World Culture (Again About the Reasons of Renaissance Origination) Gocha Kuchukhidze 93-100 PDF (ქართული)
Cultural Model of Knights In the Context of Blue Horns’ Poetry Manana Kvachantiradze 101-108 PDF (ქართული)
The Paradigm of the German “Urphenomenon” and its Reception by Georgian Writer Manana Kvataia 109-116 PDF (ქართული)
Anti-Empire: A Visual Reconstruction of the World by Lithuanian Thinkers in the Spirit of Minor Nations Liberation Jurate Landsbergyte-Becher 117-129 PDF
Beware the Illusion or Latvian Literature's Road to the Nobel Prize Imants Lavins (Ļaviņš) 130-135 PDF
An Ancient Georgian Translation of the Life of Makari the Egyptian Ketevan Mamasakhlisi 136-143 PDF (ქართული)
Anti-Modernist Narrative - Colonial Chronology of Psychological Oppression and Its Consequences Tamar Paichadze 150-156 PDF (ქართული)
Georgian Literature and Challenges of Contemporary Global World Ketevan Siradze 157-161 PDF (ქართული)
On the Representation of the Terek River in Russian and Georgian Literary Works of the 19th Century Yuri SUGINO 162-166 PDF
Literary and Political Strategy of French Writers Towards Georgia in the First Half of the 20th Century Rusudan Turnava, Nino Gagoshashvili, Tatia Oboladze 173-183 PDF (ქართული)
Modernist Polychronotopia: A Chronotopic Approach to Urban Timespace in James Joyce’s Ulysses Nino Tsurtsumia 184-190 PDF (ქართული)
Echoes of the European Feminist Movement of the 19th Century in the Works of Georgian Classics Maia Arveladze , Elisabed Zardiashvili 203-210 PDF (ქართული)
“A Man Was Going down the Road” by Otar Chiladze – Literature of Small Country on Annexation Ketevan Nadareishvili, Mariam Kaladze 211-217 PDF (ქართული)
Activation of Taboo Topics in Jemal Karchkhadze's Creativity Tinatin Tvaltchrelidze 222-228 PDF (ქართული)
Cultural-cognitive Aspects of the Georgian Translations of „Praise of Praise“ Liana (Lia) Basheleishvili 229-235 PDF (ქართული)
Intercultural Aspect of Translation: Intercultural Aspect of Translation Eka Chkheidze 236-240 PDF (ქართული)
The Role of Female Translators for Georgian Literature of the Second Half of the 19th Century Tinatin Dzodzuashvil 241-249 PDF (ქართული)
Georgian translations of Josef Weinheber's Poems Nugesha Gagnidze, Nugesha Gagnidze 250-260 PDF (ქართული)
Verfall (decline) Details in Thomas Mann's novel “Buddenbrooks” and its Georgian Translation Nino Kvirikadze 267-276 PDF (ქართული)
Innovations of Translation Strategies in the Conditions of Cultural Globalization Irine Modebadze 288-297 PDF (ქართული)
One Tale of „A thousand and One Nights“ and Georgian Folk Tales Dalila Bedianidze 298-304 PDF (ქართული)
Transformation Forms of European and Georgian Heroic Epics Ketevan Sikharulidze 311-315 PDF (ქართული)
Myth and Folklore in Georgian Medieval Secular Prose Romance “Amirandarejaniani” by Mose Khoneli Mary Khukhunaishvili-Tsiklauri 316-321 PDF (ქართული)
Fairy Tale as a Universal Genre and Quantitative and Typological Analysis of Georgian Folk Tales Marine Turashvili 322-329 PDF (ქართული)
Understanding Knowledge in the Bible and in Vazha-Pshavela's "The Snake-Eater" Nari Chkhaberidze 330-339 PDF (ქართული)
Basil Melikishvili Observed as a Character (From Mikheil Javakhishvili's "Arsena Marabdeli" gallery) როსტომ ჩხეიძე 340-345 PDF (ქართული)
Polar Concepts of Fear and Love in the “Society of the Formers” (Based on Irakli Samsonadze’s Short Novel The Cushion) Nino Gogiashvil 346-351 PDF (ქართული)
Concept of Heterotemporality in the Novel "A Lizard on the Grave Stone " by Archil Kikodze Mzia Jamagidze 352-356 PDF (ქართული)
The Christian Understanding of the Meaning of Life in Vazha-Pshavela’s Creative Prose Khatuna Kalandarishvili 364-371 PDF (ქართული)
Peculiarities of the Artistic Representation of Violence in a Literary Text (Vazha-Pshavela, George Orwell) Nestan Kutivadze 372-379 PDF (ქართული)
The Essence and Function of Dialogue in Modern Georgian Poetry ("Putting out the potatoes" by Besik Kharanauli) Nino Malutashvili 389-394 PDF (ქართული)
Film Adaptation of a Literary Work from the Perspective of Linguistic and Intermediality Tamar Kakhetelidze 412-417 PDF (ქართული)
Hermeneutical Interpretation of the Metaphor "Tear" in Georgian Poetry Tamar Barbakadze 422-426 PDF (ქართული)
Poems Against Violence in the 70s-80s of the 20th Century Georgian (Lia Sturua, Besik Kharanauli) and American (Louise Bogan, Muriel Rakeyser, Sylvia Plath, Maya Angelou, Charles Simic, Mark Strand, Galway Kinnell, Thomas Wolfe) on the Example of Poeti Nunu Balavadze 427-434 PDF (ქართული)
The Boarder Between Poetry and Journalism as a Reflection of the Old and Nitification of the New (according to the first issue of the newspaper “Georgia” for 1918) Khatuna Chanishvili 435-439 PDF (ქართული)
Thematic and Versification Trends of the Georgian Lyric Poem of the Second Half of the 20th Century Ketevan Samadashvili 445-454 PDF (ქართული)
World Literary Processes and Issue of Turkish Literature Development (The Middle Ages and the Tanzimat Period) Mzisa BuskivadZe 455-460 PDF (ქართული)
All Roads lead to Rome / globalization / (Iv. Javakhishvili's open and secret controversy with I. Gogebashvili and Akaki) Julieta Gabodze 470-477 PDF (ქართული)
Double Imagology as a Challenge of Globalization in Georgian Intercultural-Migration Writing Natela Chitauri 496-506 PDF (ქართული)
Adapted Classics and Comics/Graphic Novels as Learning Resources and a New Trend of Literature Commercialization in Georgia Irina Natsvlishvil 507-514 PDF (ქართული)
Innovation and Tradition: The Evolution of Literary Collaboration in the Digital Age Nana Parinos 515-520 PDF
The Specificity of Teaching the Relations of World and National Literature in Teacher Training Programs Rusudan Pipia 521-525 PDF (ქართული)
One of the Branches of the Caucasus Censorship Committee is Dramaturgical Censorship Tamar Sharabidze 526-532 PDF (ქართული)
Ukrainian Scientific Literature on Ukrainian-Georgian Literary Relations: Constellation of Knowledge Ivane Mtchedeladze 533-545 PDF (ქართული)
Reflection on Russian-Georgian Relations in the Context of the New ‘Weltliteratur’ Shorena Shamanadze 546-556 PDF (ქართული)
Transformation of War Narrative – „Encounter“ in Literature (Abkhaz writers on war and peace) Salome Kapanadze 557-562 PDF (ქართული)
The Fateful Events of 1993 in Abkhazia and the Modern Georgian Novel (Sergo Tsurtsumia – “ The Year oh the Fire Rooster”) Gia Khoperia 563-568 PDF (ქართული)
Reflection of the Post-Soviet Era in the Modern Georgian Novel (Iva Pezuashvili's "Bunker") Irine Manizhashvili 587-593 PDF (ქართული)
The Hero's Image in the Lyrics of the „Our Generation“ Poets and Ana Kalandadze Salome Lomouri 594-603 PDF (ქართული)
War Discourse and Identity Search in Leo Vardiashvili's Novel "Hard by a Great Forest" Lili Metreveli, Tatia Oboladze 610-614 PDF (ქართული)
Shalva Karmeli - the Youngest Member of the "Blue Horns" Miranda Tkeshelashvili 615-618 PDF (ქართული)
A ‘Small’ Literature, that is: Literature with Limited Translational Opportunities, of Structural Undercapacity and Voluntary Self-diminishment Yordan Lyutskanov 644-652 PDF
Polyphony in Literature – Contemporery Postmodern Prose (Based on the Novels "The Valley of Wizards" by Kanal Abdullah and "Hopscotch" by Julio Cortazar) Sabina Elkhan Agababayeva 653-659 PDF
Prose Components in Poetry Rhythm in the Context of Etimad Bashkechid's Free Verse Gultakin Agajan gizi Aliyeva 660-663 PDF
Literature of Small Nations and the Challenges of the Global World: Azerbaijani and Kazakh Perspectives Aytan Nazarova 670-675 PDF
Crossroads of Life (Temur Babluani's Novel „The Sun, the Moon and the Bread Field (Manushaka is waiting for me)“ Maia Jaliashvili 676-682 PDF (ქართული)
The Institute of Censorship Committee of the Russian Empire and Georgian Language Policy (80s-90s of XIX century) Tamar Tsitsishvili 691-697 PDF (ქართული)